• 8 Day Pack Trip & Lodge Stay

    4 nights at our ecolodge combined with a 3 night horse pack trip to our high mountain lake camp...the perfect combination of relaxation and adventure.


December 28, 2024 - January 4, 2025

February 22 - March 1, 2025 (2 spots left!)

The Patagonian Cordillera is vast - with ancient mountains, abundant water, fierce winds, and strong, large-hearted people. Traveling by horseback is the best way to experience this immense landscape and meet the gauchos who spend their summers tending herds of livestock in the high Andes. Join us for a unique horse trekking excursion into this unparalleled world.

Our eight day special combines comfort and adventure for the perfect riding holiday. Enjoy four nights at our ecolodge and a three night horse pack trip to an alpine lake high in the Andes.

Day 1

Our driver will pick you up in the city of Neuquen to drive you and your fellow trip mates the six hours to Ranquilco's cattle outpost - the end of the road for most vehicles. Guides will be there to greet you with horses ready. Saddle up for the three hour ride into the heart of the Estancia where the lodge is located.

Settle into your room then join us on the terrace of Casa Grande for drinks, a welcoming dinner, and good company.

Day 2

Spend the day at and around the lodge getting acquainted with the place, the people, and the horses. Head out on a guided day ride and enjoy a picnic lunch on the river bank. Spend the late afternoon and evening at the lodge preparing for the pack trip. Top it off with a delicious dinner and a restful night's sleep.

Day 3

Have breakfast while the guides pack up the mules, then mount the horses and ride out! Ride approximately six hours - out of the Trocoman River valley, across a high plateau, and down a steep and breathtaking trail, ending at our high mountain puesto camp in the Laguna Negra valley. The valley is home to a gorgeous alpine lake surrounded by jagged peaks, waterfalls, and hanging meadows.

The puesto camp has a few simple huts (where the gauchos live) and other basic backcountry amenities. It makes for a wonderful home base. Here we have a chance to spend time with the local gauchos that tend the herds of cattle, sheep, and goats in these beautiful summer grazing lands.

We'll set up camp and enjoy a meal around the fire. Sleep under the stars or cozy up in one of our tents.

Days 4 and 5

Spend two days exploring the valley by horse and foot, fishing, swimming, and lounging at the lake, and indulging in some reading and/or writing. In the evenings, hang out around the fire at the puesto and share stories with our friends and neighboring gauchos.

Day 6

We’ll make our way back down to Ranquilco, following a different trail that takes us along the edge of the Picunleo Valley, experiencing sweeping views up the Trocoman River to the Copahue Volcano. This evening we’ll be reunited with lodge comforts - cold beers, hot showers, and big beds.  Savor a meal featuring fresh garden vegetables, ranch-raised meat, and Argentine wines.

Day 7

A full day to rest and relax and enjoy the comforts of Ranquilco. Sweat it out in a riverside sauna, swim in the river, or hang out on the terrace and read. An optional afternoon ride will be offered. In the evening, we'll invite the entire Ranquilco community for a traditional asado and a late night gaucho dance to celebrate the completion of a magnificent adventure.

Day 8

Pack up and ride back to Buta Mallin to meet the drivers. Drive to Neuquen, arriving by 5:00 pm. From there, catch a flight back to Buenos Aires or elsewhere.

Rate: $3780 all inclusive

For more information, please write: [email protected]


    • Man sitting next to horse overlooking snow capped mountains in Patagonia
      5 night horse pack trip follows a loop route, traveling through diverse landscapes and over several mountain passes for the ultimate horse riding adventure. Begins and ends at our off-grid ecolodge. 
    • String of riders descending into a river valley in the backcountry of Estancia Ranquilco
      Explore our past adventures.